Endometriosis & Infertility
Reproductive Facts states 30% to 50% of women with endometriosis may experience infertility.
It can also contribute to miscarriage. A study done on 15,000 persons, found that endometriosis can affect a woman’s chances of getting pregnant by 76%.
The reason endometriosis contributes to both infertility and miscarriage at such a high rate, is because it:
- Scars and blocks the fallopian tube preventing sperm from getting to an egg,
- It can alter the quality of the egg and the immune system functions,
- It can change the hormonal environment of the eggs.
What is endometriosis?
The uterine/endometrium lining is where the fetus implants and nourishes for the next 9 months. Endometriosis is a condition in which the lining is found in different parts of the body.
The lining can end up on the ovaries, fallopian tubes, and/or other reproductive organs. It can even travel outside of the uterus i.e. the kidneys, bladder, and intestinal lining, etc.
Why does endometriosis cause severe period pains?
Every month during ovulation, the uterine/endometrial lining thickens to support the fertilized egg in the event you do get pregnant. If an egg has not fertilized (you do not get pregnant), the lining will then shed itself; this process is called the menstrual cycle (period).
If the lining becomes too thick, the tissues from it can break off and land on different parts of the body. When your period comes, the lining sheds also wherever it is. Meaning you bleed wherever the tissue landed. SO if the tissue ends up on one of your ovaries, you will feel a sharp pain on your left or right side during your periods as the tissue is bleeding on your ovary. This causes severe inflammation as there is nowhere for the blood to escape. VS. The blood from your lining comes out through your vagina.
Over time, this bleeding can also lead to chronic inflammation and the formation of scar tissue, which later causes adhesions to form on the area. Causing chocolate cysts, endometriomas, blocked fallopian tubes, and infertility.
Watch Video to better understand endometriosis
What causes endometriosis?
There are 4 stages of endometriosis
- Minimal
- Mild
- Moderate
- Severe
Uncontrollable cell growth also known as cell proliferation contributes to endometriosis. Changes in the cells can cause abnormal endometrial growth. Usually, when the nucleus, which contains the DNA gets damaged, the cells grow and divide uncontrollably.
Watch Video to better understand:
Both Estrogen Dominance and Environmental Toxins play a role in the abnormal growth and division of cells that contribute to endometriosis. These also cause fibroids and cysts. “Estrogen dominance may also contribute to altered immunity, which may then contribute to the development and/or progression of endometriosis.” Dairy, red meat, chicken, and birth control are some of the things that contain estrogen.
Signs that you may have endometriosis:
- Pain during sexual intercourse
- Pain during bowel movements
- Pain during exercise
- Bowel or urinary pain or dysfunction
- Heavy, long, or irregular bleeding
- Bloating, nausea, or vomiting
- Infertility, difficulties getting pregnant, or recurrent pregnancy loss
- Allergies, migraines, or fatigue that worsens around menses
- Lower back pain or leg pain during menses
How does this product work?
It is now widely accepted that oxidative stress may be implicated in the pathophysiology of endometriosis causing a general inflammatory response in the peritoneal cavity. Says NCBI. Oxidative stress is an imbalance of free radicals and antioxidants in your body.
Free radicals are oxygen-containing molecules with missing electrons.
During oxidation, this can cause a molecule in a cell to lose an electron causing the molecule to become a free radical. The free radicals then damage nearby healthy molecules causing DNA Damage.
“Oxidative stress is thought to promote angiogenesis and the growth and proliferation of endometriotic implants.” Studies state that “Oxidative stress alters your epigenetic signaling and DNA methylation, changes how genes are transcribed, and ultimately protein expression. It is also involved in many mechanisms in the development of fetal growth restriction. Some reports indicate that it can also contribute to the development of cancer in humans.”
Endometriosis can alter your immune responses. The immune system can fail to recognize the endometrial tissue(s) that is growing elsewhere in the body. This failure can cause the tissue to evade the immune responses by confusing immune cells that would otherwise attack those cells that form the scar tissues, contributing to an abnormal immune response.
“There are several studies indicating that women with endometriosis are more likely to develop autoimmune diseases such as lupus, which may indicate that the immune system is not working properly in women with endometriosis.”
Antioxidants play a vital role in our survival. It is the body’s defense against free radicals. Without antioxidants, free radicals will destroy our bodies.
One of the main ways this product works is by helping the body to produce glutathione. “Glutathione is Often referred to as the “master” antioxidant because of its ability to enhance the utilization and recycling of other antioxidants. Its primary functions within the body are supporting the immune system, providing antioxidant protection, and removing toxins.”
Glutathione is produced in the liver and is distributed to other body parts through the bloodstream. Endometricure enters the bloodstream and targets the blood supply to scar tissues and tumors through the capillaries where it reduces angiogenic effects. It also helps to counteract and block oxidative stress and processes by using the antioxidant system to eliminate free radicals and can also help protect the already damaged cells.
It is said that glutathione is capable of preventing damage to important cellular components caused by reactive oxygen species such as free radicals, heavy metals, etc.
“An article cited in Journal of Cancer Science and Therapy indicated that glutathione deficiency leads to increased levels of oxidative stress.”
As stated earlier, Free radicals are oxygen-containing molecules with missing electrons. Antioxidants are molecules that replace the missing electron to repair the damage to the cell. The ingredients in this product contain high levels of antioxidants that can prevent and reverse local tissue damage from inflammation. Some of the ingredients in this product have been shown to be especially helpful in treating endometriosis.
See Studies below
A promise in the Treatment of Endometriosis
There’s promising hope for women who suffer from endometriosis,
Another way this product works is by enhancing cell migration. Cell migration is the process by which cells move from one location to another. When cells are not able to migrate properly to their ordained locations, it can cause chronic inflammatory diseases, one being endometriosis. Endometricure helps provide cells with the energy needed to move through tissues to help heal inflammatory diseases.
Endometricure also helps boost the immune system. “The immune cell functions are strongly influenced by the antioxidant=oxidant balance and, therefore, the antioxidant levels play a pivotal role in maintaining immune cells in a reduced environment and in protecting them from oxidative stress, and preserving their adequate function.”